Mr Nish Srikantha
MB BS, PhD, PGCert, FRCOphth
Nish Srikantha is a Consultant Ophthalmologist and Glaucoma Specialist at Hampshire Hospitals NHS trust, specialty trained from Moorfields Eye Hospital, London and holds an Ophthalmic PhD research degree from Kings College, London.

Nish graduated from St George’s University of London in 2004 and completed his Ophthalmology training within the Wessex region. After completing his training, he completed the prestigious Glaucoma specialty fellowship at Moorfield’s Eye Hospital in London. Nish was appointed as a substantive Ophthalmologist at the North Hampshire Hospital NHS Trust and carries out private work at the Candover Clinic in Hampshire. He has wide experience of general Ophthalmic conditions and a special interest in the management of Cataract and Glaucoma. Nish offers expert diagnosis, medical, laser and surgical management of Glaucoma with extra emphasis on Trabeculectomy, aqueous shunt devices, micro-invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS) and management of secondary Glaucoma’s.
Nish runs NHS clinics at Basingstoke and Alton hospital dedicated to general Ophthalmology, Cataract and the management of Glaucoma.
Nish completed the prestigious Glaucoma Surgical Fellowship at Moorfields Eye in London, and utilises these techniques to ensure the most clinically safe and current methods in the medical and Surgical management of Cataract and Glaucoma. He also obtained a PhD in Ophthalmic research at Kings College London and applies this in helping patients decide the most optimal and comfortable management for their condition. Education is close to Nish’s heart and whilst undertaking his PhD research, he was able to complete a higher education diploma in medical teaching. He is an educational supervisor and uses his qualifications to help guide and mentor junior doctors in training.
Nish has published research in key Ophthalmic journals and been involved in organising Ophthalmic meetings and education courses. He is actively involved in speaking at conferences and meetings world wide on important Ophthalmology issues.
Nish lives with his devoted wife, who is a General Practioner (GP) and Clinical Lead Manager for Urgent Care in Hampshire; and their 2 young sons. They spend a lot of time in the great outdoors, cycling and trekking. Nish actively takes part in charity events and when he does find time to himself, he enjoys acrylic painting, photography and is an accomplished pianist.
Despite wide-ranging interests in clinical education and research innovation, Nish is primarily a clinical ophthalmologist with a practice that is focused on the management of a wide range of Ophthalmic conditions. He is able to offer medical, laser and surgical treatment options for these conditions and able to offer more complex surgical management for cataract and glaucoma, including both traditional techniques and new minimally invasive surgical techniques.
A large additional proportion of his practice is also dedicated to the management of chronic glaucoma in a primary care setting.
Cataract is common and forms a large bulk of Nish’s practice. Although it is usually a routine occurrence, cataract surgery is an integral part of the management of patients with glaucoma who require surgery. Patients with glaucoma, especially those with secondary glaucoma’s requiring glaucoma surgery, have a high rate of cataract development in their future. Given that cataract surgery has the potential to compromise the outcome of glaucoma surgery, the co-management of surgical glaucoma and cataract is an important part of his practice.
Nish’s clinical practice offers phacoemulsification (cataract removal) and intraocular lens implantation with careful discussion and explanation of all possible options in a friendly and easy to understand approach.
Being specialty trained in Glaucoma, Nish is able to offer the latest in pioneering Glaucoma surgery. He routinely performs trabeculectomies and Baerveldt Glaucoma Implant. He is also familiar with the techniques of the newer Paul Glaucoma Implant, a new shunt, developed in Singapore, consisting of a smaller lumen tube than conventional shunts, that is placed inside the eye.
Nish offers Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGs) in his practice including iStent with or without cataract surgery and the new Preserflo Microshunt which may offer an alternative to the older Trabeculectomy surgery in the future. Nish was also involved in the management and recruitment of patients to to a number of multi-centre trials investigating their use during his time at Moorfields, London.
Nish has been expertly trained in the use of Laser surgery in the management of postoperative cataract Surgery and Glaucoma. He offers YAG Capsulotomy, YAG peripheral iridotomies (LPI), Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT) and Retonopexy treatment for retinal tears.
- Fight for Sight Grant for PhD research project
- Awarded £300,00 for full 3 year salary and project consumables.
- Awarded 1st Prize for essay which was consequently published in the Higher Education and Research Network Journal (HERN-J)
Communication prize: Awarded by Hospital Switchboard
- Lady Youde Award for Geriatric Medicine
Special Study Modules: Awarded recognition of excellence in:
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the diagnosis of Stroke
- The Phenomenon of Déjà vu
2016 Hydrodynamic Radii of Aflibercept and Bevacizumab Measured by Time-Resolved Phosphorescence Anisotropy.
Hirvonen LM, Fruhwirth GO, Srikantha N, Neffendorf JE, Suhling K, Jackson TL.
Pharmaceutical Research. 33(8):2025-32.
2015 Ocular complications of anti-glomerular basement membrane disease.
Nevols J, Srikantha N, Dansingani K, Farnworth D.
British Journal of Renal Medicine. 20.79-81.
2013 The role of formal dress in pedagogy teaching to doctors.
Srikantha, N.
Higher Education Research Network Journal (HERN-J) Prizewinning Essays. Volume 7. Ed. Chadha D, Hay D.
2012 Influence of molecular shape, conformability, net surface charge, and tissue interaction on transscleral macromolecular diffusion.
Srikantha N, Fatma M, Suhling K, Elsaid N, Levitt J, Chung PH, Somavarupu S, Jackson T.
Experimental Eye Research. 102, 85-92
2011 Anterior keratouveitis secondary to Hydroa vaccineforme: a role for Ophthalmic slit-lamp examination.
Trikha S, Turnbull A, Srikantha N, Krishnan R, Tappin A.
BMJ Case reports, doi:10.1136/bcr.09.2010.3309
2008 Paraneoplastic optic neuropathy associated with papillary renal cell carcinoma
Srikantha N, Goverdhan S, Evans A.
British Journal of Ophthalmology. 99(3), 429-438.
2019 Ethnicity to Improve High Risk Trabeculectomy Outcome
Conference: Association of Research and Vision in Ophthalmology (ARVO), Location: Vancouver, Canada.
2019 Trabeculectomy Outcomes: Seven Year Study in a Large Tertiary Referral Eye Hospital
Conference: World Glaucoma Conference (WGC), Location: Melbourne, Australia.
2018 Above tenons Conjunctival dissection – A modification for Trabeculectomy Surgery
Conference: European Vision and Eye Research (EVER), Location: Niece, France.
2014 Ocular complications in a case of Anti-glomerular basement membrane disease.
Kidney Week, American Society of Nephrology Conference, Philadelphia, US. Presented on my behalf by J Nevols.
2012 Using Fluorescence Recovery after Photobleaching (FRAP) to Establish the Stokes-Einstin Radius of Ranibizumab and Bevacizumab.
Conference: Annual Meeting of the Association-for-Research-in-Vision-and-Ophthalmology (ARVO), Location: FT Lauderdale, FL, USA.
2011 Translational Diffusion of Ranibizumab as measured by Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching.
Conference: Annual Meeting of the Association-for-Research-in-Vision-and-Ophthalmology (ARVO), Location: FT Lauderdale, FL, USA.
Quality care in a relaxing surrounding
Book an appointment to see Mr Nish Srikantha at the Candover clinic in Basingstoke, or the Healthshare Clinic in Winchester.
Both locations are modern purpose built private hospitals designed entirely for patient well-being and comfort. The Candover Clinic is a stand-alone unit located on the Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital. The Healthshare Clinic on the outskirts of Winchester boasts a purpose built ophthalmic outpatients department and operating theatre offering the latest diagnostic and treatment technologies.